Where can I get free IVA help? - Debt Advice Foundation

Where can I get free IVA help?


Free IVA help is available from any registered debt charity such as Debt Advice Foundation.

However, you still need to be aware of the fees that you will need to pay if you did decide to enter an IVA (see What does an IVA cost?). Every organisation, whether they’re a charity or a commercial business gets paid a fee for arranging an IVA. IVA fees are based on a standard industry fee structure, which means the same fees will be levied no matter which organisation you choose to arrange your IVA for you.

However, there are important cost factors that you must be aware of when choosing your IVA provider:

  • Does the organisation charge for its advice? Unfortunately, many commercial debt advice companies still continue with this practice.
  • Does the organisation want you to pay money upfront, before you enter into the IVA? By agreeing to do this, you are risking losing the money if your creditors don’t agree to your IVA.
  • Does the Advisor work for a not-for-profit organisation or charity? If they don’t, can you be sure that an IVA is in your best interests or are you being advised to enter an IVA because the organisation will receive a fee?

Debt Advice Foundation is a registered UK charity offering free, confidential support and advice on any aspect of debt. You can read more about IVAs and whether they are suitable for your situation in our IVA section. If you need free IVA help, please call 0800 043 40 50.

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