Manufacturing Heartlands At greatest Risk From Public Sector Cuts - Debt Advice Foundation

Manufacturing Heartlands At greatest Risk From Public Sector Cuts

Research from Experian has revealed that manufacturing areas like the North East and Midlands are least prepared to cope with further public sector cuts. It is thought that these traditional manufacturing heartlands will be hardest hit as not only will what’s left of manufacturing in those areas be severely impacted by the recession but public sector roles have taken much of the slack created by disappearing manufacturing jobs over the last thirsty years.

Research from Experian has revealed that manufacturing areas like the North East and Midlands are least prepared to cope with further public sector cuts. It is thought that these traditional manufacturing heartlands will be hardest hit as not only will what’s left of manufacturing in those areas be severely impacted by the recession but public sector roles have taken much of the slack created by disappearing manufacturing jobs over the last thirsty years.

The findings are supported by the Insolvency Services statistics on Bankruptcy, which ranks both North East and East Midlands in the top three regions for Bankruptcies per 10,000 of the population. As the public sector cutbacks take hold debt advice charities are expecting more people to seek support, particularly in areas of the country least resilient to macro-economic shocks.

To read the full article click here.

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